Since Dec,01,1998
©1998 By barybary

Dear Gilles, It's difficult to
say anything about Cannonball and the 3 years I spent
with his band in 5-10 lines. In any case, I still
miss playing with them after all these years. One of
the last bands that still played with a "Big
Beat." The only rhythm section left that still
plays that way is in Nat's band with Walter Booker
and Jimmy Cobb. The last of a tradition!
You can't play with a "Big
Beat" by yourself, it can only be played with
rhyhym section that plays that way also. It took me a
year of playing 6 nights a week for 50 weeks to get
my articulation up to the level of the band's. They
were very patient with me but I finally got it.
If there is any sadness in my
life, it is that I shall never have the chance to
play that beat again.
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