Since Dec,01,1998
©1998 By barybary

"Introducing NAT ADDERLEY"
Nat Adderley, Trumpet;
Julian (Cannonball) Adderley, Alto
Horace Silver, Piano;
Roy Haynes, Drums;
Paul Chambers, Bass
Alternate Cover
1. NEW ARRIVALS (6:38) (J. & N. Adderley - Southern Music)
2. SUN DANCE (3:48) (J. & N. Adderley -
Melody Lane Pub.) (BMI)
3. FORT LAUDERDALE (3:18) (J. & N. Adderley
- Drexall Music) (BMI)
4. FRIDAY NITE (3:11) (J. & N. Adderley -
Melody Lane Pub.) (BMI)
5. BLUES FOR BOHEMIA (5:21) (J. & N.
Adderley - Melody Lane Pub.) (SMI)
1. WATERMELON (2:44) (J. & N. Adderley -
Drexall Musuc) (BMI)
2. LITTLE JOANIE WALKS (4:01) (J. & N.
Adderley - Melody Lane Pub.) (BMI)
3. TWO BROTHERS (3:29) (J. & N. Adderley -
Melody Lane Pub.) (BMI)
4. I SHOULD CARE (4:25)(Cahn, Sterdal &
Weston - Dorsey BrOL Music) (ASCAP)
5. CRAZY BABY (5:59) (J. & N. Adderley -
Drexall Music) (BMI)
It is very possible that young fans familiar
with Nat Adderley through his recent work with brother Cannonball
wouldn't recognize him on this LP. Music has changed considerable
since the Adderley brothers were the talk of New York in the
summer of 1955 and then there is Nat's ability to sound like so
many other people.
Nat's favorite players have long been Dizzy
Gillespie, Miles Davis and Clark Terry. He can intersperse
characteristics of each player in the course of a solo much the
way a good comedian can integrate impressions into his act. But
the crackle and fire are all Nat's.
The music on this LP is representative of the
best modern jazz of the time. The brothers were more into playing
than they are now and the reputations that they established among
musicians are largely the result of early sessions like this.
Shortly after the release of this LP, Cannon would form his first
quintet. The sledding would be rough and the group would break up
with Nat joining J. J. Johnson and Cannon going with Miles Davis
by 1958. They would reform in the fall of 1959 and shortly
thereafter would score with "Dis Here". Since that time
the brothers have been together at the top.
Nat has continued to record under his own name
sometimes with Cannon and sometimes without. His sessions, and
for that matter, Cannon's, feature his outstanding compositions.
While his tunes here are not as well known as "Work
Song" or "Jive Samba" they are well representative
of his ability.
In addition to the Floridians, the rhythm
section is beautiful throughout this LP. Horace Silver was
working with Art Blakey, Paul Chambers with Miles Davis and Roy
Haynes with Sarah Vaughan when these sides were done, but each
has left his mark on the music. It is the only time these three
giants ever recorded together. The late Paul Chambers has left us
a legacy of brilliant recordings and he never sounded better than
he does here.
1955 was a very good year for modern jazz and a
very good year for Nat Adderley. Come join him, his brother and
this monster rhythm section and enjoy some fine swinging music.
Bob Porter
Editor, The Digger